Report on Play Area - Tuesday 14th November 2017
Cheriton Play Area Update- Jan 2018
The Play Area working group have been very busy since the last update. We have pulled together the responses from the three consultation events: questionnaires to families who attend the school, responses from the children at the school and the responses to the public consultation. This enabled us to create a clear brief for the future development of the play area.
There was a clear preference from the community to keep the play area where it is but to improve access by removing the stile from the field (already completed).
There was a clear preference to retain the natural rustic style of the play area and for the following pieces of equipment:
• A set of swings with a timber frame to include a baby seat and two junior seats
• A multiplay structure suitable for younger children with a natural/rustic feel
• Some natural play structures such as a willow tunnel and logs trail
• A birds nest swing with timber frame
• A roundabout and embankment slide
• A floor level trampoline
• A more challenging multi-play structure suitable for older children with a natural/ rustic feel
We have committed to provide equipment that is appropriate for children up to the age of 12 and is as inclusive as possible. The new play area will need suitable flooring to provide an appropriate safety surface and a new enclosure that meets current regulations. Ideally the community would like a slightly larger space for the play area and members of the recreation ground committee are currently considering whether this might be possible.
The Play Area Working Group has identified four companies who provide the type of equipment that the community would like in the play area and are currently undertaking a market engagement exercise where companies are providing ideas to support the further development of the brief. Fundraising Activities
Members of the Parish Council and the Play Area Working Group have undertaken a number of fundraising activities to date. This includes approaching neighbouring parish councils (with no play area) to ask for contributions, and approaching local residents and charities for contributions. To date these activities have generated commitments or donations totalling £5890.
Budget for the project: Public Works Loan Board application
The Parish Council met in December to agree the budget for the next financial year and set the precept at £24,800. The council agreed to seek approval from the Department for Communities and Local Government to make an application for a Public Works Loan to fund the development of the play area. This organisation provides loans to public bodies at very low rates. The agreed budget assumes that replacing the current play area will cost a maximum of £45, 000. We have already raised nearly £6,000 and plan to continue with our fundraising. The public works loan will therefore be for a maximum of £39,000. We estimate that repayments for the loan will equate to approximately £4,100 per annum and the budget also includes for the establishment of a sinking fund to ensure that we can replace equipment in the play area when it wears out.
For a detailed breakdown of the figures please see the minutes for the December Parish Council meeting.
If you have any comments that you would like to make about the application for the Public Works Loan please address them to [email protected] before 1st March 2018.
Waitrose Community Matters Boxes
For the month of February our play area will be one of the options for the fundraising boxes in the Petersfield branch of Waitrose. Please make a special effort to ask for a token when you are using the store and also tell any family and friends who may also use the store.
Thank you for your support.
The Play Area Working Group can be contacted at [email protected]